Upcycled Jewelry
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Today, I am reviewing a spoon bracelet made by artist Dan Kemp of Dank Artistry. Vintage silverware is absolutely beautiful and Dan has used the variety and intricacy of design to his advantage to make some really unique pieces. I have seen spoon rings before but this is the first time I have seen a bracelet. The bracelet was smooth and comfortable to wear.I thought it might feel too heavy but it was a comfortable weight. Unknown to Dan, the review bracelet is the exact same pattern of …
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See this cute little girl. Here she is wearing just a small portion of the silly bandz that live in our house. The craze hit us hard last spring and summer. I would like to say that we don’t always fall for the latest and greatest but silly bandz seemed relatively harmless and are very inexpensive. Of course, the craze has passed. They still wear them on occasion but mostly I just find them in random locations around the house. My first instinct was to just toss them …
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Meet Jessie Katz, a formally trained artist and graphic designer from Nyack, New York. Among her many artistic endeavors, Jessie crafts creative and trendy jewelry from recycled and repurposed materials. The materials she uses include: plastic gift and credit cards, vintage and broken jewelry, scrap wood and more. The necklace she shared with us is crafted from a piece of scrap wood left from her Dad building the neck of an octave mandolin. The handmade necklace is beautiful, unique and well-made. We love the story behind it too! …
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For the last few weeks I have been wearing this elegant Zulugrass jewelry. I must admit that when I first heard of jewelry made from grass, I thought that it would look primitive or rustic. I was wrong and pleasantly surprised at the elegance and beauty of this jewelry. It is versatile and can be worn with your best dress or your favorite jeans. The strands are light and comfortable to wear. The single strands can be worn in a variety of ways from a …
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Where do old skateboards go when they die? If Matt Mercurio has anything to do with it, they receive a new life. He recreates them into colorful jewelry and unique wall art. He was an artist and skater in his younger days while growing up in Orlando,FL. Life happened and for a time he left art and skating behind him. Then in 2006, he followed his family to Portland, Oregon. The community was filled with artists and skaters, igniting a new passion for Matt. Inspired by a few …
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Do you want to look like an artist? Then start shopping at the Etsy shop Decomp. This artistic shop is filled with creative and nature inspired clothing, jewelry, and accessories made mostly from recycled and upcycled materials. Meet Nicolette, the creative mind behind Decomp. Each of her organic pieces are planned in great detail. They are visually interesting with a perfect combination of texture and color. Her love of nature shines through in each of her designs. Her favorite material to work with is leather scrap that …
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Our latest Etsy feature is our friend Heather of Re-Zip It! Heather takes vintage zippers and turns them into some of the most beautiful and unique creations we have seen. Last week, Heather’s creations were featured on The Today Show. She was in the top 10 finalists in the Art of Reuse Contest that was sponsored by NBC and Etsy. Congratulations Heather! Heather is a full time working, married mother to a beautiful son named Benjamin. She works in a jail as a therapist helping individuals …
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Anne Jansen of St. Louis and The Key of A takes what was once consider ordinary and turns it into beautiful, wearable works of art. A hundred years ago, type writers and skeleton keys were considered common utilitarian items that were found in many homes. We can now look back at these items and see the beauty and the history. Anne’s line of vintage inspired jewelry and accessories utilizes authentic keys of all types including typewriters, cash registers, skeleton, watch, clock and piano of the early 1900’s. …
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I am so excited to tell you about these earrings from our friends at Trashy Earrings. The earrings are stylish and affordable(around 7 USD) and come in a variety of colors. I have found that they are great conversation pieces too. The earrings are made of just what you think, trash! That is not the best part though. The earrings are made in Honduras by single mothers who would otherwise not have a way to support their family. Honduras continues to be a poor country with …
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Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny in your shoe! Tanna Paradis, the creator of Love Honor Upcycle, takes something old and turns it into something new much to the delight of the many brides who have worn her beautiful vintage jewelry on their wedding day. Starting with her own wedding day, Tanna takes vintage and thrifted jewelry and transforms them into beautiful and glamorous pieces. She makes a variety; everything from hair combs to bracelets and cufflinks. You don’t have to be …